Sylvia is the best organiser I have met. A wizard with a rotary cutter and one very talented quilter. Even if quilting is her least favourtie thing to do. Sylvia brings fun and vibrancy into our little studio and I am so blessed she can find the time to come and play with us and cut out those fat quarter bundles in lightning speed! I adore you Sylvia and thank you for coming into my world. UPDATE FEB 23 - Sarcasm lessons have worked Sylvia is now FULLY qualified in it so be aware when complaints are lodged... The phrase "That sounds like a You Problem" is often used so approach with love, care, caution and kindness.
Jo came into my life only in 2019 and what an utter joy her coming into my world has been. I have never met a more kind and lovely person in this world and I have slowly made her giggle more and more since we have met. She is amazing and I am so blessed knowing her. Jo is the head of making sure I am staying on track and getting things done. She edges me back to my place after I have been distracted by something fabricy. Oh and her sons are VERY handsome! Both married sorry ladies... BUT the eye candy is good. UPDATED FEB 23 - Jo is now a loving Granny and has come into her own as the best Nana ever. The Grandson is most definitely her favourite human ever despite us all knowing who the favourtie son will always be.
Gillian joined the team in February 2023 working on Saturdays in order to help us out. (And maybe see all the lovely fabrics too.) We are excited to have Gill join us and we look forward to her enthusiam and kindness.